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Papayas Isopods are from the Cubaris genus. Peach and pale pink in color. 

Cubaris Murina Isopods were discovered in 1833 by scientist Brandt. These isopods like it wet with humidity at around 70%-80%. Normal temperatures stay around 70-80 degrees. They are soft-bodied, which means they don't necessarily need a lot of calcium, however, we recommend some calcium in all our isopod's environments. These isopods will thrive in many different environments.

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Superorder: Perecardia
Order: Isopoda
Suborder: Oniscidea
Family: Armadillidiidae
Genus: Cubaris
Species: Murina

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